a man and a woman with a child in a moving box.

Child-Friendly Packing Tips: How to Make a Move Less Stressful for Kids

When moving homes, the uncertainty of the move itself, the loss of familiar surroundings, and the disruption of routines can cause undue stress and anxiety for children. 

That’s why it’s important for parents to make the moving process as smooth and stress-free as possible for their little ones.

In this article, we will discuss why moving can be stressful for children, provide tips on how to prepare your kids for a move, and share child-friendly packing tips to make the transition to a new home headache-free.

Why moving can be stressful for children

When kids have to say goodbye to their familiar surroundings, friends, and routine, they can feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what’s to come. 

Here are a few reasons why moving can be stressful for children:

Loss of familiarity

One of the biggest challenges for kids during a move is the loss of familiarity. They have to say goodbye to the place they called home, their friends, and the memories they have created there. 

They may feel like they’re leaving behind a part of themselves, and it can be difficult for them to adapt to a new environment.

Uncertainty about what’s to come

Moving can bring a lot of unknowns and uncertainties, and children may worry about what their new home will be like, who their new friends will be, and how they will fit in at a new school. 

This can be especially challenging for kids who are introverted or who have difficulty adjusting to change.

Change in routine

Another factor that can make moving stressful for children is the change in routine. 

Kids thrive on structure and predictability, and when they’re forced to adapt to a new routine, it can be challenging for them to keep up. 

This can also be difficult for parents who may be trying to balance work, school, and other responsibilities.

Separation from family and friends

Finally, moving can also mean leaving behind family and friends, which can be a significant source of stress for children. They may miss the people they care about and feel like they’re starting over in a new place without their support system.

Moving can be a challenging time for anyone, especially children, but with the right support and preparation, it can turn out to be a positive and memorable experience.

How to prepare children for a move

There are steps parents can take to help their children prepare and make the transition as smooth as possible.

Involve children in the process

Involving children in the planning process can help them feel more in control and less anxious about the upcoming changes. 

Parents can involve their children in tasks such as researching the new area, packing their own belongings, or even choosing their new room. 

This also helps them take ownership of the move and makes it feel less like a sudden, uncontrollable event.

Maintain a sense of normalcy

It’s important to maintain a sense of normalcy for children during a move, so they have stability in the midst of change. 

This can include maintaining familiar routines, such as bedtimes and meal times, as well as keeping their current school schedule if possible. 

Keeping familiar items, such as toys, books, or blankets, can also provide comfort to children during the move.

Communicate openly and honestly

Open and honest communication can help children understand what’s happening and provide them with a sense of security. 

Parents can answer any questions their children may have, and address any concerns they may have about the move. 

This can also provide children with a better understanding of what to expect and help them feel more comfortable with the changes ahead.

Help children make connections

Helping children make connections in their new area can help them feel more comfortable and reduce their stress. 

This can involve finding new schools and activities, or connecting with neighbors and friends in the area. 

Parents can also seek out resources for children such as online support groups or counseling services.

Take time to adjust

Finally, it’s important to allow children time to adjust to their new surroundings. This may take time and patience, but it’s essential for children to feel comfortable in their new home. 

Parents can encourage their children to explore their new area and get involved in new activities, which can help them make new friends and feel more connected.

Child-friendly packing tips

By following a few child-friendly packing tips, parents can make the transition smoother and more manageable for their kids.

Creating a packing station for kids

One way to make packing less stressful for kids is to create a designated packing station just for them. 

This can be a small area in the room where they can keep their favorite toys, books, and other items. 

Using favorite toys and items

Including children’s favorite toys and items in the packing process can help to make the move feel more familiar and comfortable. 

Children can take charge of packing their own belongings and feel a sense of pride in doing so.

Labeling boxes with names

Labeling boxes with the children’s names can also make the moving process less daunting for them. 

They will be able to easily identify their own belongings and feel a sense of ownership over the items. This can help to reduce feelings of uncertainty and loss during the move.

Overall, incorporating these child-friendly packing tips into the moving process can make a big difference for kids. It can help to minimize stress and anxiety, and create a more positive and manageable experience for everyone involved.


Moving is a significant event in the lives of children, and it’s crucial for parents to take steps to minimize the stress associated with it.

By involving children in the process, maintaining a sense of normalcy, and using child-friendly packing tips, parents can help make a move less stressful for their kids. 

The key is to be patient, supportive, and to take the time to understand and respond to the needs and feelings of children during this transition. By doing so, families can make a move a positive experience for everyone involved.

If you’d like help during your moving process, feel free to fill out this three-question form. We’ll provide you with a locked-in quote for the entirety of your move – no hidden costs!

Picture of Wes Struebing

Wes Struebing

After more than 30 years in the logistics sector, I have learned a thing or two about moving things and motivating people to do their best and offer their all to our customers. Whether in life or in business, I believe in one thing: I only want to be there if I can improve things.

Logistics is not only what I do; it is my passion.

Picture of Wes Struebing

Wes Struebing

After more than 30 years in the logistics sector, I have learned a thing or two about moving things and motivating people to do their best and offer their all to our customers. Whether in life or in business, I believe in one thing: I only want to be there if I can improve things.

Logistics is not only what I do; it is my passion.
